No Man’s Land

Exploring the rural areas of southern Romania reveals a poignant tale of neglect and abandonment. In a recent journey, I stumbled upon entire villages seemingly frozen in time, with houses left deserted and in ruins. The somber landscape inspired me to dub this experience “No Man’s Land,” as I marveled at the scarcity of human presence. Whether they were hiding away in their homes or had migrated elsewhere, an eerie sense of abandonment lingered in the air. … Continue readingNo Man’s Land

Health Insurance House of Bucharest

On a quiet street in Bucharest, tucked away behind towering trees and shielded from the city’s relentless noise, stands an old house with a long-forgotten past. Built at the end of the 19th century, this architectural relic once served as the headquarters of the Health Insurance House of Bucharest (CASMB). For years, it was a place where people sought medical guidance and bureaucratic solutions. Today, however, it is a shadow of its former self—a haunting reminder of neglect and decay. … Continue readingHealth Insurance House of Bucharest

Abandoned Garages and Auto Workshops

During my urban exploration in Bucharest, I came across a site consisting of abandoned garages, warehouses, and auto workshops, constructed during the communist era. These structures exhibited signs of decay and neglect, reflecting their disuse over the years. The worn-out appearance of the buildings and rusting machinery offered a glimpse into the industrial past of the area. … Continue readingAbandoned Garages and Auto Workshops

Old House in Dumbrava

The village of Dumbrava, located in Mureș County, was first documented in 1393 under the Hungarian name Lyget, and by 1733, it was recorded as Dumbrava. Its name reflects the natural beauty of the region, once filled with vast meadows surrounded by ancient forests. Throughout history, the village endured numerous invasions and the passage of various armies, often resulting in the destruction of households. Yet, the people of Dumbrava always found the strength to rebuild, ensuring their community’s survival to this day. … Continue readingOld House in Dumbrava

Palatul venețian

Un palazzo venețian își anunță sfârșitul pe strada Temișana nr 2-4. În pofida degradării vizibile, ca un oftat, clădirea emană un aer aparte de bijuterie urbană de început de secol XX. În ultima perioadă, clădirea nu a căzut pe mâini bune. Mai multe surse consideră că acestă amintire a fost casa în care a locuit Luigi Cazzavillan. Însă alte surse spun că e improbabil deoarece autorizația construirii casei a fost obținută cu doar doi ani înainte ca acesta să moară. … Continue readingPalatul venețian

Unseen Wonders: Exploring the Hidden Spaces of the City

Every city has a mysterious and unseen side, a part hidden beneath the bustling and noisy surface of the main streets and modern buildings. This unseen part is made up of abandoned places, ruins, and derelict buildings, left to deteriorate and transform into a mix of beauty and decay. … Continue readingUnseen Wonders: Exploring the Hidden Spaces of the City

Marble statue signed by H. Levasseur

I often discover rare and impressive treasures in my explorations. One of them is a life-size marble statue signed by Henri Louis Levasseur, a French sculptor best known for his Art Nouveau depictions of historic and mythological figures. His sculptures are composed in a realistic manner, often including painstakingly detailed, draped fabrics that appear to be captured mid-movement. … Continue readingMarble statue signed by H. Levasseur