Every city has a mysterious and unseen side, a part hidden beneath the bustling and noisy surface of the main streets and modern buildings. This unseen part is made up of abandoned places, ruins, and derelict buildings, left to deteriorate and transform into a mix of beauty and decay.
Urban exploration is an activity that involves exploring and photographing these unusual places, which are often inaccessible to the general public. Although these places may be considered dangerous and illegal, many urban exploration enthusiasts believe it is important to understand and preserve the history and heritage of the city.
Cities around the world have generally been built around major structures such as churches, cathedrals, palaces and administrative buildings. In many cases, these buildings have been abandoned or left to deteriorate, while the city has grown and developed around them. These major structures have sometimes remained out of public view, as they are not used regularly and do not have a clear purpose.
An example of urban exploration would be exploring the heritage buildings of the city, which have been left to deteriorate over the years. Although these buildings are often open to the public, urban explorers seek to explore those areas of the buildings that are closed or off-limits to the public. These areas may include basements, upper floors, or other areas that are not used regularly.
However, urban exploration is not a risk-free activity. Abandoned buildings can be fragile and dangerous, and entering such a building may be illegal. Urban explorers need to take precautions and ensure their safety, while also respecting the heritage and history of the places they explore.
Bucharest, the capital city of Romania, is home to many abandoned buildings that hold unique stories and histories waiting to be uncovered. One such building is an abandoned modernist structure in the heart of the city that once housed the offices of a commercial company. Designed in the mid-twentieth century, the building’s unique architectural style blends classical elements with a modernist flair that was typical of the socialist realism movement.
The building is comprised of three distinct sections, two lateral wings with four floors, and a central block that is set back and rises to three stories. The architect who designed the building paid particular attention to creating a functional space that would optimize office activities while improving the quality of the working environment. The result is a visually stunning building that exudes a sense of order and rationality.
As with any abandoned building, exploring this site comes with inherent risks, including potential structural instability and hazardous materials. However, many urban explorers are drawn to the building’s unique history and architectural significance, as it is a testament to the city’s cultural and historical heritage. Through careful exploration and documentation, urban explorers can preserve this legacy and bring new life to forgotten spaces.
If you’re interested in exploring the hidden and forgotten parts of Bucharest, you might want to consider joining an urban exploration tour. There are many different tours available, but one option is the “Bucharest Urbex Tour” offered on Airbnb Experiences. Led by a local guide, this tour takes you to some of the most interesting and unique abandoned buildings in the city, including the one mentioned in this article.
During the tour, you’ll learn about the history of each location and the reasons for its abandonment, as well as tips for safe and responsible exploration. It’s a great way to see a different side of Bucharest and gain a deeper understanding of the city’s past and present. If you’re interested, you can find more information about the tour here:

E absolut dezastru! Sa fie multe case in paragina sa ramana adapost pentru boschetari.
Multumim primarului Plicusor Ban pentru gestiunea patrimoniului din capitala!
Cu siguranta! In timpul mandatului doamnei Firea, in mod firesc, nu existau case parasite, centrul vechi era superb, daca te plimbai pe Regina Elisabeta nu cadeau bucati de tencuiala, si daca scapai un covrig pe jos, atat de curat era, ca puteai sa il ridici si sa il mananci. Inteleg ca esti nostalgic, dar stai linistit – she’ll be back, si va face Bucurestiul frumos ca soarele de pe cer.