No Man’s Land

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Exploring the rural areas of southern Romania reveals a poignant tale of neglect and abandonment. In a recent journey, I stumbled upon entire villages seemingly frozen in time, with houses left deserted and in ruins. The somber landscape inspired me to dub this experience “No Man’s Land,” as I marveled at the scarcity of human presence. Whether they were hiding away in their homes or had migrated elsewhere, an eerie sense of abandonment lingered in the air.

5 Replies to “No Man’s Land”

  1. Felicitări pentru ceea ce faci. Te-am descoperit de puțin timp și mi-a plăcut mult ce am văzut și am citit. Ți-am pus pagina la ”favorite”.

  2. Abia acum ti-am descoperit site-ul. Uluitor! Fenomenal! Extraordinar! Cu voia ta, am sa dau un share link-ului pentru ca merita ca oamenii sa-l cunoasca. Bravo!

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