Fabrica de bere Bragadiru

La sfârșitul secolului al XIX-lea, negustorul Dumitru Marinescu Bragadiru a cumpărat un teren de 70.000 mp în apropierea centrului Bucureștiului, pe calea Rahovei. El și-a investit banii făcuți din afacerile cu spirt și alcool rafinat din timpul Războiului de Independență în construirea unei fabrici de bere. Toate clădirile industriale ce formau fabrica, palatul și casele din vecinătate au fost proiectate în 1894 de firma germană din Erfurt „J.A.T.OPF și SOHNE”, avându-l ca arhitect pe Anton Schuckerl. … Continue readingFabrica de bere Bragadiru

The Vinegar Factory of Margina

With the construction of the railway connecting Lugoj and Ilia, the small town of Margina caught the attention of investors eager to capitalize on its strategic location. In 1910, the Budapest-based Razskatol Society commissioned a German firm to design and construct a wood distillation factory, aimed at processing beechwood through chemical distillation. Operations commenced in 1912, but the outbreak of World War I led to the factory’s closure. After a hiatus, production resumed in 1921 under predominantly Romanian ownership, marking the beginning of a new industrial chapter for Margina. … Continue readingThe Vinegar Factory of Margina

The Laminor Hall of the Republica Pipe Factory

The construction of the Republica industrial complex on Basarabia Boulevard is credited to Romanian industrialist of Greek origin, Nicolae Malaxa. Starting in the 1920s, Malaxa developed workshops dedicated to the repair and production of locomotives. In 1921, he purchased land on the outskirts of Bucharest and established a locomotive repair workshop that bore his name. The project proved highly successful, leading to rapid expansion. By 1928, the first “Malaxa” locomotive was produced, followed by an additional hundred within five years. During the 1930s, Malaxa initiated new projects, including the Republica pipe factory. … Continue readingThe Laminor Hall of the Republica Pipe Factory