Casă săsească în Biertan

Casa săsească are la temelie mai mult o concepţie etică decât estetică despre rosturile vieţii. Sasul e preocupat de securitatea economică şi morală în raport cu natura, cu vrăjmaşul şi cu cerul. Viaţa întreagă el se tot asigură pe toate aceste planuri. Saşii sunt ingineri născuţi, ei impun naturii ordinea din sufletul lor, ei îşi aliniază casele prin hotărâre colectivă de a se apăra în front masiv de orice element de nesiguranţă. … Continue readingCasă săsească în Biertan

Felmer Village

Nestled in the heart of Brașov County, Felmer is a place where history lingers in the ruins of an abandoned Saxon village. Some people still live here, among the skeletal remains of homes burned down long ago, their roofs missing, their walls blackened. They reside in what was once a thriving community, now reduced to scattered remnants of its former self. … Continue readingFelmer Village

Saxon Lutheran church in Răvășel

The current Saxon Lutheran church in the village of Răvășel, Mihăileni commune, was built in 1825, likely over an older church, although no specific details are available about it. In 1878, however, there is a mention of a bell from the second half of the 14th century, inscribed with “O rex glorie veni cum pace,” which may have originated from the inventory of the previous church (Fabini 1998, p. 613). … Continue readingSaxon Lutheran church in Răvășel