Fabrica de bere Bragadiru

La sfârșitul secolului al XIX-lea, negustorul Dumitru Marinescu Bragadiru a cumpărat un teren de 70.000 mp în apropierea centrului Bucureștiului, pe calea Rahovei. El și-a investit banii făcuți din afacerile cu spirt și alcool rafinat din timpul Războiului de Independență în construirea unei fabrici de bere. Toate clădirile industriale ce formau fabrica, palatul și casele din vecinătate au fost proiectate în 1894 de firma germană din Erfurt „J.A.T.OPF și SOHNE”, avându-l ca arhitect pe Anton Schuckerl. … Continue readingFabrica de bere Bragadiru

Societatea Comercială Aversa S.A.

Până în 2012, la declararea falimentului, Aversa era unul dintre cei mai importanţi producători de pompe din centrul şi estul Europei. Din ianuarie 2017, producția fabricii a fost oprită, începând numeroase procese şi planuri de a folosi terenul în dezvoltări imobiliare gândite de canadianul
Michael Topolinski, actualul proprietar. Astăzi, fosta fabrică este complet distrusă şi la un pas de demolare. … Continue readingSocietatea Comercială Aversa S.A.

Hala Laminor: Revitalizing Bucharest’s Industrial Heritage

On Thursday, October 13, Hala Laminor, a historic industrial hall in the Republica area of Bucharest, was officially opened to the public. This event marked a significant milestone in the efforts to restore and repurpose one of the city’s most important industrial landmarks. The visit was preceded by a debate organized by the Institute for Public Policy (IPP), which, in partnership with the Swiss-Romanian Cooperation Program, secured co-financing through a grant from Switzerland for the project User-Friendly City: Civic Engagement for the Revitalization of Former Industrial Urban Spaces. … Continue readingHala Laminor: Revitalizing Bucharest’s Industrial Heritage

FAUR Factories

S.C. “Faur” S.A. is an industrial complex located on the eastern outskirts of Bucharest, historically significant for its specialization in the manufacturing and repair of rolling stock. Commonly referred to as the “Faur” factories, the site has undergone several name changes throughout its existence, previously known as “Malaxa” and later as “23 August” during the communist era. … Continue readingFAUR Factories

The Laminor Hall of the Republica Pipe Factory

The construction of the Republica industrial complex on Basarabia Boulevard is credited to Romanian industrialist of Greek origin, Nicolae Malaxa. Starting in the 1920s, Malaxa developed workshops dedicated to the repair and production of locomotives. In 1921, he purchased land on the outskirts of Bucharest and established a locomotive repair workshop that bore his name. The project proved highly successful, leading to rapid expansion. By 1928, the first “Malaxa” locomotive was produced, followed by an additional hundred within five years. During the 1930s, Malaxa initiated new projects, including the Republica pipe factory. … Continue readingThe Laminor Hall of the Republica Pipe Factory