Hala Laminor: Revitalizing Bucharest’s Industrial Heritage

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On Thursday, October 13, Hala Laminor, a historic industrial hall in the Republica area of Bucharest, was officially opened to the public. This event marked a significant milestone in the efforts to restore and repurpose one of the city’s most important industrial landmarks. The visit was preceded by a debate organized by the Institute for Public Policy (IPP), which, in partnership with the Swiss-Romanian Cooperation Program, secured co-financing through a grant from Switzerland for the project User-Friendly City: Civic Engagement for the Revitalization of Former Industrial Urban Spaces.

3 Replies to “Hala Laminor: Revitalizing Bucharest’s Industrial Heritage

  1. Am trimis idei la IPP la momentul cand au cerut dar nu am primit apoi exact momentul acesta al vizitarii.
    A avut vreo concluzie ?
    Cu tot respectul pt istorie, statutul de monument mai mult incurca aici, datorita birocratiei mult mai complexe.

  2. Am trimis idei la IPP la momentul cand au cerut dar nu am primit apoi exact momentul acesta al vizitarii.
    A avut vreo concluzie ?
    Cu tot respectul pt istorie, statutul de monument mai mult incurca aici, datorita birocratiei mult mai complexe.

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